What does voting have to do with vaccines?
- Voting in federal, state, and local elections has a direct impact on health policies that determine vaccine availability and distribution.
- Both vaccines and civic engagement can help us protect and strengthen our communities: civic engagement ensures we have a voice in the policies that affect us most, while vaccinations prevent the transmission of disease.
- Voter registration is uniquely suited for vaccination drives, because we can meet communities where they’re at and reach voters who may not be reached through traditional voter registration and GOTV efforts.
How to talk about voting after vaccination
Hello friend, my name is _______. Congratulations on getting your vaccine! May I have a minute of your time to help you protect yourself and your community in another way?
Patient’s Response
Your Response
No problem, here is some information you can take with you to read later or share with others [give flyer].
Awesome, thanks for your time. Voting is one of the most effective ways you can protect your community. Do you know if you are an eligible voter and are registered to vote?
I have an easy and fast way to get you registered. Let’s check it out! All you have to do is scan here [show QR code] or text the following code (VOTE VAX -or- VOTE VAXENG) to 34444.
I’m pretty sure.
Do you want to take 30 seconds to double-check your voter registration on your own phone?
I’m undocumented.
No problem. You’ve already done a great service to your community by getting your vaccination. Only citizens are eligible to vote so even though you can’t use this, we welcome you to take this flyer and share it with any family and friends who are citizens and want to vote.
Hola amigo, mi nombre es _______. ¡Felicitaciones por recibir su vacuna! ¿Puedo tener un minuto de su tiempo para ayudarle a protegerse y a su comunidad de otra manera?
Patient’s Response
Your Response
No hay problema, aquí hay información que puede llevarse para leer más tarde o compartir con otros [dar volante].
Increíble, gracias por tu tiempo. Votar es una de las formas más efectivas de proteger a su comunidad. ¿Sabe si es un votante elegible y si está registrado para votar?
Bueno, tengo una manera fácil y rápida de inscribirle. ¡Vamos a ver! Todo lo que tiene que hacer es escanear aquí [mostrar volante con el código de QR] o enviar un mensaje de texto con el siguiente código (VOTE VAXSPA -o- VOTE VAXESP) al 34444.
Estoy bastante seguro
¿Quiere tomarse 30 segundos para verificar su registro de votante en su teléfono?
Si alguien es indocumentado.
No problema. Ya ha prestado un gran servicio a su comunidad al vacunarse. Solo los ciudadanos son elegibles para votar entonces aunque no pueda usarlo, le invitamos a que tome este volante y lo comparta con familiares y amigos que sean ciudadanos y quieran votar.