Get a free voter registration badge today and join the movement for a healthier democracy!
Tens of thousands of health professionals across the country are using Vot-ER badges to give their eligible patients an opportunity to access a nonpartisan voter registration platform in the hospital or clinic.
How do badges work?
Step 1.
Patients scan the QR code with their personal devices. The QR code links to our nonpartisan voter registration platform TurboVote, which vets for eligibility.

Step 2.
Eligible patients can then register to vote, request a mail-in ballot, or learn about upcoming elections on the platform.
Badge FAQs
To be eligible to register to vote patients must be:
Vot-ER badges are our most popular tool and the fastest way to integrate civic engagement into your hospital. Here’s how the badges work:
* Only badges created since August 2021 have this trackable feature.
Each Vot-ER badge is printed with a unique QR code (so you can track your impact), so delivery may take up to three weeks. To access voter registration materials in the meantime, go to
If you’d like to order badges for your group, department, or institution for each team member before Oct 1, you can do so in bulk at Be sure to include the same organization on the order form. If you’d like to have a custom badge ordering referral link for your group/organization, send a custom materials request, so your code can be sent to you.
Absolutely. All Vot-ER materials will continue to work until at least the end of 2024. Older badges (from before August 2021) have all new features except individualized tracking.
We’re so excited to have you on board! To get started right away, you can print a badge, download voter registration flyers, add a voter registration message to your email signature, and more at:
We partnered with VoteRiders to create a patient helpline with a chatbot and live person available 24/7 in English and Spanish.
The vast majority of health care workers do not need to get approval. As a healthcare professional, you’re free to place any information on your ID badge that is helpful to you and your patients. The important thing to remember is that patients choose whether to use Vot-ER’s registration platform and when they do so, they share information on their own phones. In short, you are offering patients an opportunity to access voter information—you’re not conducting the registration yourself.