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Voting is a prescription for a healthier society

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Vot-ER badges are an easy way for health professionals to integrate civic engagement into their practice.
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August is Civic Health Month

Become a Institute Partner

Over 300 hospitals and civic organizations unite to celebrate Civic Health Month in August.
Become a Partner
Three health care workers wearing scrubs in hospital hallway, each holding a a blue and red ID badge with a QR code in center and side label that reads, “Ready to Vote?”


Help ensure that every eligible American is given the opportunity to vote.
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Physician, Dr. Jennifer Caputo presenting; slide reads "The Importance of Civic Health"

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Find your Vot-ER community and learn how to harness the intersection of health and democracy at our events.
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Get access to how-to guides, posters, flyers, discharge paperwork, custom materials, social media toolkits and more!
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Go beyond the badge! With consideration of your capacity, your career path, and region, Vot-ER offers programs customized with your needs in focus.
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The Next Voting Frontier — Our Healthcare System

Voting is just one tool to advocate for what we care about — but it's a powerful one.

Research shows our communities are healthier when more voters can participate in the democratic process. States with more inclusive voting policies and higher civic participation rates have better health outcomes.

The broad reach of our healthcare system, combined with the trusted role doctors, nurses, and social workers hold in our communities, make healthcare an ideal arena for civic engagement. Learn more about how your vote can impact every corner of our healthcare system with Dr. Bayo.
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National Association of Community Health Centers logo
Featured In
The Washington Post
The New York Times
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