
Check Your Registration

Think you’re registered? Moved recently? Check or update your registration here.

Icon of a voter registration form being submitted in a collection box

Register to Vote

First-time voter? Start your registration here. If your state voter registration deadline has passed, you can still register for future elections.

Icon of a piece of paper with instructional numbers indicating a voting plan

Make a Plan to Vote

See upcoming elections, find your polling place, and more.

Icon of an envelope with a mail in ballot placed inside

Request A Mail-In Ballot

Prefer to vote by mail? Request a mail-in ballot.

Icon depicting a hospital

Vote from the Hospital

Hospitalized on Election Day? Find out how you can still vote here.

Icon of a computer with a chat bubble emerging from a person who can assist with voting questions

Contact Helpline

Questions? Impacted by a recent hurricane? Text our helpline to get support from a real person.

Our votes are powerful.

Voting is an important way to influence government policies that affect our communities. Voting is not the only way to be heard — but it is an important place to start.

Shape your community, shape your health.

The people we vote for make decisions that affect our families and our neighborhoods. Like whether to open a clinic nearby or a grocery store with affordable healthy food. Neighborhoods where more people vote often get more public resources.

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You don’t have to be an expert on politics to vote.

Need help deciding how to vote? Voter guides like TurboVote list the candidates and their positions. You can also talk with family and friends and find out what they know. Voting is important, but it does not have to be hard.

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This is your community.

When you vote, you help your neighborhood, whether you are new or have lived there all your life. By voting in every election, you have the power to hold leaders accountable for your community’s needs.


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